4 tools that make every sales person better

We all use tools that ideally make us more effective.  Here’s a short list of tools that should make any rep, especially reps working in smaller organization, more efficient and productive as they work to close deals:

Note: I’ve used these tools and I’m a fan of the companies that produce them.  I have no affiliation with any of these companies.  Nor do I receive any commissions from telling others about these products

1)   Yesware

Did you read the email that I sent to you?  I know you did.  You even forwarded it to someone else.  Yesware let’s you track email and work more efficiently.  Knowing that a prospect received, read, and forwarded your proposal is great.  Knowing this information and no receiving a reply from the prospect…not so great : )  But at least you can make a decision to pursue the opportunity or move on to another one.  Yesware offers much more, but its basic functionality is valuable to sales reps.

2)   Base CRM

I love Base.  Great mobile UX, love that you can customize the funnel to match your sales process, it’s intuitive, and data entry is not a hassle.  It also integrates with Outlook.  It’s a simple yet powerful tool.

3)   JoinMe

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been on a call talking to a prospect, customer, investor, etc and needed to share my screen to drive home a point.  JoinMe is a collaboration tool.  It’s ridiculously easy to use and it works great. For example, JoinMe provides a link that you can send to others.  Once they click the link they’ll be able to see your screen.   I’ve been using it for a few years now.

4)   x.ai

It gets no better than this for the busy sales person.  x.ai is an artificial intelligence (AI) powered personal assistant for scheduling meetings.  I first experienced x.ai when a friend used it to schedule a conference call with me.  The experience was so amazing that I felt like I was communicating with a real person.  I even asked my friend, “when did you hire an assistant? : ).  Try it b/c it will save you a ton of time by eliminating the back and forth that happens when attempting to schedule meetings.

Jamail Carter